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Overshadowing and erosion fate of Cottesloe?
Sea erosion and overshadowing of the beach will be the fate of Cottesloe beach if the Town of Cottesloe proceeds with Local Planning Scheme 3(LPS3), according to environmental scientist and architect Garry Baverstock.
Under LPS3, buildings fronting Marine Parade will be restricted to three storeys and buildings five storeys and higher need to be set back at least 10 metres.
“Currently LPS3 needs to be rejected and a new plan that addresses rising ocean levels, the degradation of sand dunes and a change of character of Marine Pde needs to be done,” Mr Baverstock said.
He suggests the Marine Pde alignment to be moved back towards the east by 20 to 30 metres.
This is to allow the beach to move eastwards as sea levels rise and consequently erodes the coast.
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Sea erosion and overshadowing of the beach will be the fate of Cottesloe beach if the Town of Cottesloe proceeds with Local Planning Scheme 3(LPS3), according to environmental scientist and architect Garry Baverstock.
Under LPS3, buildings fronting Marine Parade will be restricted to three storeys and buildings five storeys and higher need to be set back at least 10 metres.
“Currently LPS3 needs to be rejected and a new plan that addresses rising ocean levels, the degradation.