The reality is that ocean is increasing on average of 3.3 mm per year and is increasing at the rate of
In 1980 it was about 1.2 mm pa and increasing at about +0.1%. So wake up Australia! The facts are clear and have been for some time. Now we can see the results of inaction and false hope of it going away next low tide season. The burying the head in the sand article aptly points this out.
We am tiring of having to be a ‘Prophet of Doom’, instead we (myself and my colleagues) prefer to be masters of professional solutions. I have initiated and am developing a network of a multi disciplinary team of planners, science and engineering experts to help Local and Regional coast governments to scope out what they are facing with this issue heading towards 2030 and beyond to the end of the century. This issue alone throws most Councils planning scheme into obsolescence.
Way before their review of their next planning scheme we can help them scope out these problems and offer a range of solutions and concepts, via Wise Earth’s NatSCOPE – ‘National Sustainable Collaboration of Planning Ecology’. We are adding experts continually and can take on any commissions around Australia and refer continually to NASA satellite data, so we are not making up stories, like our populous deniers who think it is storm events, holes in sea channels lack of groins …… anything except ocean level rise.
We as a team are fully aware of the reality of the problems but we are creative and intelligent professionals that can come up with solutions that will save Billions of dollars in infrastructure wastage. It is potentially an economic disaster for our country if we do not move sooner rather than later. Those who seem intent of not wanting to recognise Climate Change need now to join in with positive progress? If not, whose side are they on? The National interest needs to recognise the facts and stop the ignorant delaying tactics at all levels of society.
Let’s together (including the media) encourage government have the confidence to transcend all unsubstantiated dogma and nonsense conflicts over climate change and at least look into creative solutions that could avert future socio-economic-cultural calamities. This now has to become apolitical and for sustainable answers to be formulated way ahead of the pending problems. The last 20 years have been lost. We could have been way down the track by now.